On Sunday, January 5, 2025 we visited Renewed Life Community Church. We picked this church because the Pastor, Quinton Johnson, also works at our kids' school in Morton. We love visiting these smaller neighborhood churches!
Highlights of Our Visit to Renewed Life Community Church in Peoria, Illinois
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It's a snowy January morning here in Central Illinois! We finally got our visit to the Hindu Temple of Central Illinois recorded and live on our Branches of Faith podcast! With the busyness of the holidays for us it just kept getting pushed off.
Highlights of Our Visit to the Hindu Temple of Central Illinois
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On Sunday, October 27th we visited First Church of the Brethren in Peoria, Illinois. We picked this church after Kate went to a play there for a friend the week prior! Like so many, this was a church we had driven by lots of times but knew very little about.
Highlights of our visit to the First Church of the Brethren
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On Sunday, September 8th, we visited Imago Dei Church in Peoria. Kate has presented at this church in her role as a Divorce Coach, and we had a previous visit that was an anomaly. We *finally* were able to go for an organic, authentic experience!
Highlights of our visit to Imago Dei Church in Peoria, Illinois
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The Peoria Area Baha'i Community was a place that was near the top of our "must visits" when we started this journey! Kate has a unique story about how she first came to know about the Baha'i Faith. We were warmly welcomed into this small group of passionate people.
Highlights of our visit to the Peoria Area Baha'i Community
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Learn about Kate's Catholic background and the St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria. With special guest, our daughter, Genevieve, we retell our visit to a beautiful building and a message about "being hungry" for peace, community, and joy in a modern world full of all shapes and sizes of comforts and connections.
Highlights of our Visit to St Mary's Cathedral in Peoria, Illinois
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After our visit to North Parkway Assembly of God, we had SO many more questions! We invited Pastor Chris and Pastor Missy to join us and were thrilled when they accepted the invite. Take a listen to learn more about what it means to worship at an Assembly of God church!
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Learn about Pastor Greg Washington, his love for music and how the Jackson 5 influenced everyone in his neighborhood to get into music. Discover how he got into ministry, leading United Fellowship Ministries, and how his roll as a UPS driver has helped him establish relationships in the community that he serves. He has a great "StepUp" program finding housing and work for men recently released from incarceration. People are out there doing amazing things, and Greg Washington is one of them.
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This visit to the Ephraim Moravian Church was a solo visit for Katie while she was in Door County, Wisconsin. This visit turned into a 7 hour deep dive into the history of the Moravian Church and it was fascinating! For someone who always thought Martin Luther was the leader in the Protestant movement, I was so surprised at what I learned!
Highlights of Katie's Visit to the Ephraim Moravian Church
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United Fellowship Ministries was a life changing church to visit! We found out about it because one of the residents of a rental we have goes there and loves it. And we love her! She had often talked about her church and what a special place it was and I had heard about her Pastor, Greg Washington, many times from her.
Highlights from our visit to United Fellowship Ministries
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Although Kate had been in the church many times for her weekly Rotary Club of Peoria meetings, neither of us had been to a service at First United Methodist Church of Peoria. We had hoped to go to their Traditional Service but the heat was out in the chapel so they held it in their more contemporary space. We still had a lovely time and after our podcast, Pastor Tim Ozment was very gracious in sharing it and communicating more with us.
Highlights of Our Visit to First United Methodist Church of Peoria
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Neither of us had experienced someone talking in tongues. At least, not until our visit to North Parkway Assembly of God in Pekin, Illinois! This was quite an experience! If you've ever been curious about it, we hope you take a listen! Then, follow it by listening to the episode after where we interview the Pastors and dive deeper into their faith and practices.
Highlights of Our Visit to North Parkway Assembly of God
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We were SO excited to visit the Thien Tam Buddhist Temple of Peoria! Ben had been a couple of times a few years back for their weekly meditations they offered but we had never been to a service. If you want to visit yourself, they have English services on Sundays from 2-4 and they are generally pretty responsive to messages on their Facebook page if you have questions.
Highlights From Our Visit to the Thien Tam Buddhist Temple of Peoria
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One of our most memorable and unique visits has been to All Saints Greek Orthodox Church. We loved this place! So much richness of symbolism and rituals. We definitely want to return to experience it again!
Highlights of Our Visit to All Saints Greek Orthodox Church in Peoria, Illinois
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The second church we visited in this faith exploration was First Federated Church of Peoria. It was still decorated beautifully for Christmas. We chose this church because it's centrally located and we have driven by it many times but had never been inside. We didn't know what a Federated Church was but found out after visiting!
Highlights of Our Visit to First Federated Church of Peoria
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Our Visit to the UU Church of PeoriaHighlights from our Visit to the Universalist Unitarian Church
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AuthorKate and Ben make their home in Central Illinois. We love community, culture and connection. We're ceramic and metal artists, self manage our rental properties, own MUSE Morton, conservationists, a divorce coach, a former teacher, Rotarians and parents to two creative kids. We love meeting new people and expanding our understanding of the world. We hope we never lose a sense of Awe for our lives. Archives
January 2025